The advice process begins with a letter or e-mail from me to confirm an appointment and providing a copy of the company terms of business explaining the services we provide and how these are paid for. There is no charge or fee to pay for this initial meeting.
During this first meeting I will explain more fully the advice process, the cost of advice, and ask details about your current financial arrangements and your future financial objectives.
This will include details of your family, the value of your estate, current income and expenditure and any liabilities that you have. Without this information, it is not possible to provide you with comprehensive advice.
At the end of the meeting we will discuss how to proceed and, following the meeting, you will receive a holding letter confirming our discussions and outlining, if appropriate, the solutions which I believe are best suited to help you achieve your financial goals.
If necessary, and appropriate, we will arrange a further meeting where I will explain in detail the proposals that I am recommending, before agreeing to proceed.
For more details, or to arrange an appointment, please use the contact form at the foot of the page or you can call or email directly.

Cameron Reeves
Financial Planning Limited
